{ F O L L O W } { E N C H A N T E D ! } | lovely 친구[ § ]

Friday, April 8, 2011 0 typ'ng[s]

Whooooooaaa . Last nyte i dream about you and AEI . haha ,at first i , aei and his GF plan to go and see you at your hostel . I guess it was saturday :) When we reached to your place we pick you up and go to the seaside . Then we stay one place near the seaside . We chitchat for a while then you and AEI when for a swim at the seaside :) I and aei's GF were siting and we just give a chat , * padahal tak kenal puns . Heee :) 

Then bila korang dah mandi semua , korang datang nak makan lepas makan semua tetiba Aei ajak you bebual berdua . Dalam hati i rase dupdap-dupdap pulak . Then Aei panggil i , i pun datang kat korang and you tetiba cakap ' nik , you tahu kan i tak boleh terima you anyhow ' and i was like errr --' Speechless dhoo . Bila i tengok muka Aei , and i pulak buat muka serious . Haiyoo , and i just jawab ' i know , and i can't stop loving you ' That was my answer . Then i jalan tinggalkan korang , and you lari datang kat i you pimpin tangan i . I agak terkejut , bila i pandang belakang tengok aei , aei senyumm * serious tak faham maksud ape :) 

I, you and aei ge tmpat gf aei kemas barang and nak balik . Bila i nak hantar you balik , you diam jeaa. Bila dah sampai hostel you , i turun sebab nak salam you . Then tetiba you pelok i sekuat hati you . Grr , shooooooockkk gila kodd . You said ' take care of urself  b . loveyaa . ' Waaaa , all the way to JOHO , i was smilingg :) But i know i'm not meant to be with you . Tetiba aei brsuara and cakap ' sukaa lah tuh ' hahaha :) Thanks aei . 

p/s : tanya semua ni hanya mimpi , but alangkah bagusnya if mimpi ini betol kann ? but wnyhow i stil llove you no matter what . we'll are not perfect , but you're totally perfect . * saya suda gilaa bayang ' haha :) Omaiguuiciee . i love this dream <3