{ F O L L O W } { E N C H A N T E D ! } | lovely 친구[ § ]

I remember' :")
Saturday, July 23, 2011 0 typ'ng[s]

Parammpamm , suddenlly i remebered about something :")
About something make me miss all the way long about him  .
About how we texted when the first time you got my number :")
When i read the messages  before all i can do is smiling like a piggy #Haha
I just miss that moment so much :"( So much more than you know :"(
I don't know why im still keeping that old messages of your's it's 
because i'm to scared that i'll lose something meaningfull for me :")
I miss the old you  , i miss the way we text  , i miss the way you treated me  :(
I just miss everythingLAHHHHH ><
Yeaaah , i do express my feeling's in HERE , facebook , twitter ,
but the most in my phone (MEMO) and diary :")
So whaaaaat ?! I know you wouldn't care and you're getting irritated only :(